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The strategy here is to buy all the tokens in hopes of one of them mooning. The nice thing about is there is no chance of rugs. As long as you are in the 1st-3rd tx, you will only lose about 10-20% of your entry. This module needs a lot of testing to perfect to make money.
AmountSolToSwap = how much wsol you want to spend on a token
SecretKey = your solana private key
SlippagePercentage&CheckForSocials&SellPercentage =
Slippage is responsible for the price range in which you will buy the token
Example: You set 20 slippage and 1 SOL buy(you will buy tokens in the range from 0.8 to 1.2 SOL) etc.
If you put a "true" in CheckForSocials, you will only buy tokens that have TG, Twitter and website, all other tokens the bot will not buy
example - 10&false&100
GasUnitPriceBuy = amount of gas used for the transaction, the higher it is, the more likely the validator will accept your transaction. EACH TX YOU SEND WILL COST YOU, EVEN IF THE TX FAILS! BE CAREFUL TO NOT DRAIN YOUR WALLET.
GasUnitLimitBuy = This can always be set 120000
GasUnitPriceSell = amount of gas used for the transaction, the higher it is, the more likely the validator will accept your transaction. (The sell TX does not necessairily need to be as high as the buy TX. IMO, getting a better entry is more important, but test for yourself) EACH TX YOU SEND WILL COST YOU, EVEN IF THE TX FAILS! BE CAREFUL TO NOT DRAIN YOUR WALLET.
GasUnitLimitSell = This can always be set to 120000
AmountBuyTX = The amount of txs you will send for buying the token (to calculate fees, multiply your gas fees by the amount of buyTX to get the total amount of SOL you will be spending on fees)
AmountSellTX = The amount of txs you will send for selling the token (to calculate fees, multiply your gas fees by the amount of buyTX to get the total amount of SOL you will be spending on fees)
DelayBeforeSell(ms) = force the bot to delay before selling in ms. (Recommended to do around 15 seconds (15000) or longer to give time the token to build activity)
DelayBetweenBuyTx(ms) = The delay between your buy transactions (node dependant, raise it if you are being ratelimited)
DelayBetweenSellTx(ms) = The delay between your sell transactions (node dependant, raise it if you are being ratelimited)
Highly recommended to turn on Jito Sell Instance alongside with this program. You do not need a high jito tip, around 0.001 should be fine.
I would recommend keeping an eye on this page occasionally to see which tokens will make it to Raydium (if any).
CheckoutRPC&MonitorRPC = Rpc for checking out & Rpc for monitoring new tokens that drop (dependent on RPS limit on your node) (dont use these nodes, it just an example)
You can monitor which tokens you buy here
This is used to snipe ALL tokens on