MagicEden Launch Pad/WifTaproot
Proxies are required - please scroll down for taproot instructions
Last updated
Proxies are required - please scroll down for taproot instructions
Last updated
This module supports both XVERSE 12/24 word mneumonic or WIF Taproot Private Key
Make sure your wallet is prepared with UTXO's BEFORE the launch of the collection
Find any BTC NFT collection on MagicEden and click "buy now"
Click on "prepare your wallet"
Accept the transaction to prepare your wallet (it should only be around $2-$5)
This only needs to be done once on each wallet.
Go to the profiles tab and click "Create Profile"
The "password" tab is not needed for this setup
If you want to use Account 1 then WalletNum = 0
CollectionSymbol/SatPrice- You can find this in #drop-info or ask in chat
ErrorDelay - put the delay between tasks, dependent on proxies, ive seen good success for 50-150
AmountOfTasks - Put in the amount of tasks you want to run, I typically keep it at 1 task/proxy
CheckoutTime - Set the time for when the collection launches. The format of the time is in HH:MM:SS,MS, use the timer on the top left of the bot to see what the bot reads for the time. I recommend starting 250-500 MS early (i.e, collection drops at 09:00:00, I would input 08:59:59,500)
It's literally the exact same setup as above, just input your Wif Private Key from Unisat instead of selecting a profile and walletnum.
Insert a profile name and then your 12-word seed phrase from Xverse, to get this go to Xverse and click on the cogwheel at the top right and click "Backup Wallet"
WalletNum = the wallet you will be using to mint, please follow the pattern in the picture